ON Disclaimer

Onisac Numbers Disclaimer

Onisac LLc website is committed to providing content for social entertainment for the benefit of generating revenue for charitable and social-economic purposes. Every effort is taken to ensure that all content is accurate at the time of posting, but we are unable to provide a guarantee or warranty of any kind as to the accuracy or the completeness of the content provided.
Anyone over the age of 18 is free to visit Onisac Numbers’ website, and join the Onisac Club.  You must be an Onisac Clubs member to take part in the Shared Michigan Lottery Ticket program and other special activities provided.   The central purpose of the Onisac Numbers website is to continue to find ways to use ON 4-digit number strategies to encourage site visitors and members to improve their lives while raising money for educational and charitable purposes.   
All money raised through ON Shared Michigan Lottery Ticket program and charitable contributions accept that needed to offset overhead costs will be used to fund educational and charitable causes.  The Onisac Club administrator or its designee will oversee ON Shared Michigan Lottery Ticket program and other special activities.  ON Shared Michigan Lottery Tickes purchases and award prizes must be made by the Onisac Clu b’s administration or its designee in the state of Michigan.  Lottery tickets cannot be mailed across state lines. Regardless of the city, state, territory or country OC Promotors and OC Promoters downlines must rely on the Onisac club administration or its designed located in the state of Michigan for all ON Shared Michigan Lottery Ticket transactions.
The Onisac Club’s affiliation with Michigan Lottery requires it to provide an online portal to Michigan Lottery games.  Site visitors and OC members purchase certain Michigan Lottery tickets through a gateway linked to the Michigan Lottery Commission. 
By using this website, you agree to our terms and condition set forth on this website. Please read and adhere to the information in this disclaimer provided in plain English language. For the purposes of this disclaimer, the term “we” pertains to the owners of Onisac L.L.C., Onisac Numbers, the Onisac Club, ON Shared Michigan Lottery Ticket program administration and designees, OC Promoters, and OC Promoters’ downlines associated with Onisac L.L.C.:
  • We are an independent website free from any illegal gambling operator’s control.
  • Our paid membership may offer members an opportunity to share in ON Shared Michigan Lottery Ticket program and other special activities whose purpose is to  promote Onisac Numbers in its efforts to raise funding through membership fees, donations, or other funding resources overseen by Onisac L.L.C., Onisac Numbers, the Onisac Club, OC designees, OC Promoters, OC Promoters’ downlines or a third party.
  • All content contained on this website is for social entertainment and the raising of funds to offset Onisac Numbers and Onisac club overhead costs and for charitable and social-economic purposes.
  • We are not a gambling website that offers or provides real money gambling services.
  • On this website, we may include information and statements that should be considered as opinion rather than fact.
  • This website may contain content submitted by visitor, users and OC members that does not reflect our opinions or views in any way.
  • On this website, we include links and frames to external websites over which we have no control.
  • Links and frames connecting this site with other sites are for convenience and for generating revenue for charitable and social-economic purposes, supplementing the overhead and operating costs of the Onisac Club, OC Promoters, OC Promoters downlines, the ON Shared Michigan Lottery Ticket program and special promotional activities on this website and third-party webisites; Onisac L.L.C., Onisac Numbers, the Onisac Club may not endorse or approve those sites, their content, or the people who run them.
  • Any recommendations we make on this website are based on opinion and should not be considered as formal endorsements.
  • Any advice we provide on this website should not be considered as legal or professional advice in any way.
  • It is the responsibility of users to ensure that any gambling activities they undertake are legal in their area, state, country, or jurisdiction, before undertaking such activities.
  • It is the responsibility of users to ensure that they meet all age and other regulatory requirements prior to registering an account at any gambling site we list or may reference in any way.
  • We cannot be held responsible or liable in any way for losses or damages of any kind incurred as a result of using this website, or as a result of using any website linked to this website.
  • We reserve the right to edit, remove, or add to any content provided on this website at any time, without prior notice.
  • We reserve the right to amend our terms used at any time, without prior notice.
 Revised: March 23, 2023