OC Veteran Research
The best years of your life
The Best Years of Your LifeIf you are a US veteran the best years of your life were taken by the military. Whether you enlisted or were drafted you expected the military to support you in times of dire need of money, a safe home and full medical care, especially in your senior years.
The military do not tell you that if you were to be injured or contracted a sexually transmitted infections during active duty you will have to keep and preserve medical records as evidence of medical treatments for disability incurred during active duty to be eligible for financial compensation.
On Your Own
You may not have been informed that you will not receive medical treatment or a VA rating for financial support unless you were injured or contracted a disease during a war or while in a war time period recognized by US politicians.
Military Records
You may not have been told that you should keep your medical records in case of them being destroyed, lost, or omitted to conceal veterans’ medical evidence to decrease congressional military budgets. Some veteran military records are kept secret from the public for 62 years while others are never released without a court order. Still others may never be retrieved.
Legal Advice
Some veterans will need legal advice and help to win their VA disability claims. If you decide to retain legal support for a VA disability claim, some lawyers will not represent you until you have filed and were denied a VA disability rating for your injury or contracted disease. You may have fallen ill and not know it was because you drank contaminated water or were exposed to toxins during training.